The Incident "The Hospital"

When I started to wake up it took a while, to fully become conscious until the medication wore off. When I tried to talk I quickly realized it took a lot of energy and I could not talk normally. I would later find out when they went to intubate me, my jaw locked up and they had to force the breathing tube down my throat. In doing so they scratched my vocal cords. For the next three months, when I would talk, it took a lot of energy and my voice was hoarse. When it finally set in and I realize where I was, my first question was, “Can we go back up north tonight?” Sarah chuckled a little and asked me if I had any idea what day it was. Hmm I went to sleep on Friday, “Saturday” I answered. She proceeded to tell me it was Wednesday! Sh&*$ Do I still have a job?” Being a teacher, not calling in sick and not having sub plans prepared is highly frowned upon! It turned out that Sarah got in touch with a coworker of mine and he informed my principal of what was going on. Thank goodness! ...