Before the Offspring

Once my wife and I had been dating for a while we started gathering the same group of friends. We were never people who liked to sit at home. We love to travel, go out to eat, watch movies, or just hanging out with friends and family.
Our friends and family started having kids before we did. That didn’t deter us from hanging out with them though.  It was better than staying at home doing nothing, and we both love kids. I have two nephews and she has eight nephews and one niece.  So we were use to being around children, especially me who is surrounded by them everyday at work. Needless to say, family get togethers are a bit more hectic on her side of the family. When we would talk about our future and lives after kids, we swore it would not change us from doing the things we wanted to do.
I have never been much of a baby person. In fact, the first time I ever held a baby was when our son was born. I know it sounds silly, but people make such a big deal about supporting babies heads until their neck strength builds up, that I had a fear I would hold a baby and their head would roll off. Like something you would see in a cartoon. I figured if that was going to happen to me it might as well be my own child!
Restaurant Tantrum
After we would hang out with some of our friends and family members that had kids we would often times discuss on the way home what kind of parents we wanted to be. It was the same thing when we go out and see kids throwing tantrums in restaurants and stores. Needless to say looking back on it, we were those judgy people who had no idea what it was actually going to be like. We learned a lot about what our different philosophies on parenting were. We were not going to do this, but instead make sure we did that and vice versa. Well let me tell you the pre-dad in me was naive as to what life would really be like with a child.

: Never judge others, or how they raise their children


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