Daddy Daycare
Besides being an elementary teacher and I am a proud father of two wonderful children. Well I guess as proud as you can be of a three and a half year old and two year old. So far our proudest accomplishment have been going poopy on the potty!
My son is three and half and he, to say the least, has been a bit of a handful. For the last year and half he has been going through a raging fit stage. He throws, hits, kicks and screams. He has broken glass picture frames, thrown and ruined numerous books and I am sure has done some long term damage to my eardrums.
My daughter is going to turn two the end of March. She was our miracle baby! She was born 5 weeks early and had to spend her first month in the NICU. Thankfully she is healthy and a spunky little girl. I think she's going to be our comedian of the two. She too is learning from her brother how to pierce eardrums when she is not happy.

Although I would not change my life for anything, there are days when I go to bed and look back at the day and wonder how in the hell I made it through the the day!
My wife is a nurse and works 12 hour night shifts. Along with that, she is required to work every other weekend. Unfortunately hospitals don't close on weekend. This means I get the wonderful privilege of running "Daddy Daycare" with my two kids every other weekend. She works all night, comes home, then sleeps till the afternoon. We eat dinner as a family and she is off to work again. Don't get me wrong, I love her and I am not sure I could do what she does on her schedule. Although her schedule is nice during the summer, because everyone knows teachers have THE ENTIRE SUMMER OFF(sarcasm)!
If you would have asked me ten, or even five years ago if I could take care of two kids on my own I would have laughed at you. (I am not much or ever been a baby person). It is amazing what happens when your put in the situation. II have learned how to manage two toddler over time and cherish the time I get to spend with them with my kids.
Through this page of my blog I hope to share stories of success and failures, while also giving my readers some laughs of the crazy and ridiculous things kids say and do on a daily basis. Stay Tuned!
My wife is a nurse and works 12 hour night shifts. Along with that, she is required to work every other weekend. Unfortunately hospitals don't close on weekend. This means I get the wonderful privilege of running "Daddy Daycare" with my two kids every other weekend. She works all night, comes home, then sleeps till the afternoon. We eat dinner as a family and she is off to work again. Don't get me wrong, I love her and I am not sure I could do what she does on her schedule. Although her schedule is nice during the summer, because everyone knows teachers have THE ENTIRE SUMMER OFF(sarcasm)!
If you would have asked me ten, or even five years ago if I could take care of two kids on my own I would have laughed at you. (I am not much or ever been a baby person). It is amazing what happens when your put in the situation. II have learned how to manage two toddler over time and cherish the time I get to spend with them with my kids.
Through this page of my blog I hope to share stories of success and failures, while also giving my readers some laughs of the crazy and ridiculous things kids say and do on a daily basis. Stay Tuned!
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